Moving for business is more difficult than a home or personal relocation. There is a chance that you aren’t physically able to control all aspects of corporate moving. Certain corporate guidelines must be adhered to. The most effective amount of time that it will be required to plan a move is about three months. Many people are not aware of the regulations that govern corporate relocations. This could cause stress and headaches.

Moving offices is a significant undertaking and requires careful planning. You may find it difficult especially when this is your first move. Don’t be afraid. It can be broken down into simple steps or helpful office relocation strategies, similar to any other procedure.

corporate moving checklist

Corporate Moving Checklist on How to Move

When it is about corporate moves communicating is essential. It is essential that all tenants, employees, and movers are aware of all the details. The less questions you have to ask in the midst of moving office and the more efficient. Office movers NYC should be instructed on the exact location to put every piece. If you have many of the same desks which are assigned to each individual employee, make sure they are placed in the proper order. One method to aid the mover in sorting things out is with color-coded stickers. For example, all furniture on one floor, or office could be identified with a particular color and a specific number.

Labeling is an extremely effective tool when arranging furniture in office moves. Be cautious when using this method. In addition, the label should be attached in a place that is easy to see. Your office move will be easier by making it clear and simple for moving crew. In the end, time is money.

Supervisors, it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees follow the instructions regarding the office move. You should ensure that all your employees are aware of this guideline. If the office relocation is properly planned, right after the move, the employees will begin working on a an established schedule.

The employees are responsible to pack their own items and following office relocation instructions.

Checklist for Major Office Changes

Transport of technology equipment

Make sure that any machine you plan to transport is secure. These machines should be transported in a specific manner. It is essential to inform the owner if you plan to rent equipment. Disconnecting and removing computers should be handled in a particular method. You must ensure that the person handling the task is doing it correctly. Prior to the office move, the ink must be taken off of copiers. You may find removable parts that could be removed during the move. Make sure to secure them, or put them in a separate box. If you have any vending machines within your office and you want to remove the entire inventory. Take out all the liquids from dispensers.


Sort out all the contents, which includes working documents, trays for letters, books, and any other objects. Pencils, staples as well as any other loose materials, we advise placing them in an envelope before putting them into a container. Make sure to protect all glass by using the use of paper. There may be items that are not being relocated to the new office in office moves. These items should be identified beforehand with the Do Not Move sticker so that they do not get moved to the new room by mistake.


Determine if you need to order furniture for your new space and make it happen. There is a wide selection of furniture you require in a variety of co-working spaces or serviced offices.

This way, your tasks are broken down into manageable pieces. Your planning documents serve to guide you forward.

Fixed assets

Take a look at the services that are included in your new office lease. If you have a serviced office or coworking space, these may be covered by the lease. The lease will comprise phone lines cabling, cabling, insurance data technology, business and electronic devices, and telephones. Speak to your current suppliers to receive assistance during the relocation.

Inform your vendors that you’ve received any supplies (fruits papers, milk, and so on.). Contact them at least three weeks in advance to let them know you are moving. Also, let your cleaning service know. This is the perfect time to research the new office space you’re considering.

Prior to the announcement

Assess – Take a look at your property prior to making a relocation commercially.

Have a deadline

Having a set date or schedule of deadlines will aid in completing tasks more efficiently. With a deadline set, you won’t have the possibility of putting off tasks or delaying things until the following day. It’s motivating to ensure everyone is working.

Personal property

Personal possessions like money, legal documents, photos, and flowers are not the sole responsibility of the movers. We suggest moving your personal belongings on your own in order to protect them. If you require an appropriate container commercial mover, they will be able to provide it.


Plan the timing of your move with care. Your company may not be able to adjust the time of year. In the event of the transition, your company will cease operations.


Planning is my best friend. Use checklists, spreadsheets and documents wisely to plan for office relocations. It is important to list all tasks, no matter how small. Also, the steps that must be followed and the individuals responsible.

corporate moving checklist


The process of planning your office move is the most important part. It is helpful to plan your office move in advance. This will not only ease the stress for the employees, but also the movers performing the move. Request estimates from stationary providers to purchase anything you need. All you have to do is provide your updated address.

If you are a moving company, take a look at this simple CRM software which helps you to keep everything under control.