I’m writing this article on a beautiful January day filled with hope and positivity that this time of the year brings. But there are millions of people across the globe struggling silently with mental health issues. Who feel darkness, negativity and helplessness, as the rest of the world welcomes a new decade.

 It still remains taboo to talk about mental health problems in public spaces. From being met with scorn to being outright ignored, there are people who fall prey every single day to the demons in their heads.

When celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain died an untimely death, not very long ago, it sent shockwaves across the world. Every single day there is deeply disturbing news of bright lives being snuffed out. When you go beyond the sensationalism and surface-level analysis, there is an underlying issue. And it is an issue that has to be bubbled up and scrutinized. Beyond being a personal problem, mental health or succumbing to mental health issues is a structural problem.

It is 2020. Why are People Still Hesitant?

There is greater awareness on mental health now. A lot of celebrities have stepped out of the shadows to share their struggles with depression

and phobias. But it is not enough. There are still terrifying stories of lost lives and hopes. There is a way forward. And it is to bring mental health out of its walled garden and make it a part of everyday conversations. To foreground emotional health issues and give it the attention it deserves.

Online Therapy: Just What the Doctor Ordered.

Online therapy has steadily gained a strong foothold over the years. A lot of millennials are turning to online therapy as it gives them the privacy and convenience they look for. To get an appointment with a psychotherapist and attend regular counselling sessions is daunting.

Online psychotherapy counselling offers a great deal of flexibility. In simple taps, people can now access board-certified counselors in the convenience of their home or a coffee shop.

The Rise and Rise of Online Counselors

To meet the enormous demand for online mental health therapy a lot of platforms and professionals now offer online sessions. The need for more accessible and confidential counselling sessions has grown over the last decade. Certified and licensed online therapists are in demand and it is a career that offers great work-life balance, professional satisfaction and comfortable work hours.

Become a Beacon of Hope…

There is a great opportunity for certified psychotherapists to become a beacon of hope. To shine a light on someone’s life and make this world a more safe and positive place for all. To make a difference needn’t be all that hard. It can sometimes be as simple as filling out a form or enrolling with a network of online therapists.

It is a rewarding career and if being able to make a small dent in the universe and bringing a jolt of positivity in somebody’s life makes you happy, we’d be happy to have you with us. Please check out this link for more details about online counseling from BetterHelp.