AMU University is located in the area of Aligarh Uttar Pradesh. It was set up in the year 1875. It offers various Courses for MBA including master of human resource management, master of insurance, and risk Management branches are best provided for the best education to the students. The university conducts various educational programs and cultural events for making the students more intelligent and innovative in various fields. Big halls and auditoriums have been made available to students to actively perform in various competitions for exhibiting their talents at a higher level. The internship programs and industrial research helps in developing the knowledge of the students in the career path at a higher level.

Education Type


Education level

Beginner, Intermediate, Professional

Education Subject

IT and Computer Science, Business Management and Leadership


Two years

Payment Option

Scholarship, Cash, Installment, Online Payment

Study Material

Yes - Provided by Institute

Hostel Facilities


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